martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

Slides and videos para los grados 8-3 and 8-4

11 comentarios:

  1. The slides and videos on this page are very useful for the learning process of all stufents, through this activity we can reinforce antes and put into practice our knowledge about conditionals,modal verbs, the simple presente, etc.

    This is a didactic and very prácticas way to learn a certain topic, in this activity the topics un question are explaind un an excelente way.

    Thanks You. Lic. Claudia Arce

    Att. María de los anhÁnge Bernal Lozada

  2. hi teacher
    the videos are amazing and very interesting and i have managed to understand more about the conditionals the will.
    thank you
    att: geraldine Molina and Karoll Sanchez

  3. Hello, lic. Claudia Arce
    These videos about the conditionals and the future with will and going to are very complementary to the class material. They are very didactic and understandable.
    thanks teacher
    att: Angelica Ordoñez Garcia

  4. Hello teacher!
    I liked many videos because with these keys that the teacher gives us we can take them as base for their classes so we could handle much better the future going to, as well as the future will, taking into account when using them in the positive, negative and in question form, and obtaining that with these videos I developed some doubts and I understood very well the theme.
    Att. Paula Andrea Saavedra Prado

  5. I love this type of videos because this help me to understand how we can use the differents form to say what we gonna do to the future close (going to) and to the far future or something no sure like (will), thank you teacher for show us this video and hepls us with the procces, i ll see you soon, today i am goint to practice more this conjugation.
    Estefania Castañeda 8-4

  6. The slides and videos on this page are very good for the good learning of us, through this activity we can put into practice our knowledge about conditionals, modal verbs, the present simple, and other topics.
    I have even reinforced our weaknesses in these issues.
    This is a very practical way for our learning, it gives us more motivation to learn this and other topics.
    I would like more this type of content to help us more and more, I loved.
    Thank you very much teacher
    Lic. Claudia Arce
    Maria Paula Rodriguez- 8.4

  7. I like these videos because it shows how and on what occasions we can use these conditionals in a positive, negative and interrogative way in the future and put them into practice with our English classes.
    It is also a very easy way to learn since we can solve our doubts without any kind of inconvenience
    Att: Danna Valentina Umaña Correa

  8. The games were very interesting and fun and it's another way to learn easier how to use the conditions heylen Gutiérrez 9-4

  9. Hi teacher Claudia
    Thanks for the information provided on this page. This can give me more support when it comes to doing my homework.
    Att:Laura orozco 9-1

  10. Hello teacher, thank you very much for these videos and slides that help to improve student learning
    Att. Maria Jose Suarez

  11. hello teacher, Thanks for the videos are very interesting really are very helpful Thanks for the information provided on this page. This can give me more support when it comes to doing my homework
    Att: Andrea Guzman
    Grade : 8-4
